The Top Corporate & HR Training Learning Management System

3 out of 4 companies now use online learning solutions to save costs, and increase employee productivity. Our team of corporate executives designed SOAR just for you. (For us really, but you benefit!)

Mitigate Employee Risk & On-boarding Costs

  • Electronically deliver redundant on-boarding documents, obtain electronic signatures, and save in employee files.
  • Push welcome videos and culture presentations to new hires and create a positive first impression.
  • Conduct new hire and compliance training on demand 24/7 with recorded presentations.
  • Track training participation, issue tests to confirm understanding, require signed agreement to comply – reduce company liability.
Start Saving Time

Increase Employee Skill & Reduce Unwanted Turnover

  • Train anyone, from anywhere, at anytime with 24/7 access from any device (including mobile).
  • Use Push Content and Micro Learning features to maximize engagement and speed up skill development.
  • Track training time, frequency, and progress.
  • Test to confirm understanding.
  • Then, issue custom surveys to determine buy-in or resistance to policy, procedures, or new ideas.
  • Private chat with employees during or after training as necessary.
  • Publicly praise and encourage positive feedback in community forums surrounding each course topic.
  • Establish positive culture and develop mastered skill sets in days vs. months.
Train Employees Now

We Support You & Promote Your Brand, Your Way!

  1. Branded web pages to match your existing employee facing website.
  2. Multiple custom branded learning platforms for use with multiple instructors, departments or locations.
  3. Custom reporting by instructor, department, and location.
  4. Looks like your own hosted LMS solution.
  5. Live support (email, phone, screen-share with SOAR team).
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